Scene in Brown County
Historic Preservation & Heritage Consulting can survey leading elements of heritage in a community or area and prepare educational illustrated presentations on all aspects of community heritage and identity, including historic districts, individual landmarks, vernacular landscapes, artistic and musical heritage, and notable architecture. A report can be prepared that presents the history behind the heritage and an inventory of notable elements of community identity that can build local pride and attract heritage tourism and investment.
Example: “Heritage in Brown County, Indiana,” illustrated public presentation and illustrated report prepared for Peaceful Valley Heritage, Inc. in 2015
Brown County Courthouse, 1873-74
HP&HC Principal Dr. James Glass while Director of the Indiana Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology led the staffing effort for the Indiana Courthouse Preservation Advisory Commission (2008-12), coordinated efforts to conduct the first statewide survey of county officials to determine the condition and needs of Indiana’s 84 historic courthouses in county use, and edited the Commission’s report for the Indiana General Assembly. Based on this experience, HP&HC can assist counties in Indiana in identifying condition issues, evaluating which exterior and interior features contribute to the historic and architectural character of a pre-1940 courthouse, and preparing a preservation plan to guide the rehabilitation and maintenance of a historic courthouse.
Example: Preparation of a report evaluating and comparing 3 possible uses for the historic Brown County Courthouse in Nashville, Indiana in 2014 for the League of Women Voters of Brown County
1924 American Legion Executive Committee Room, original American Legion Headquarters
For clients who are planning to rehabilitate a historic building, HP&HC can conduct a detailed analysis of the construction history of the structure, from its original design and configuration to its current appearance and layout. We can also make an inventory of architectural and artistic features in the building, date them, and interpret their source in the history of architecture or art. We can help clients assess which design features are most important to retain when a building is rehabilitated.
Example: Research and analysis regarding the character-defining features of the original American Legion National Headquarters in Indianapolis in 2016-17, for krM Architecture and the Indiana Public Works Department
J.F.D Lanier Mansion - Madison, Indiana
HP&HC can document the history, architectural characteristics, engineering features, and significance of a historic building or structure that may be endangered. The documentation typically consists of a detailed history of the property, a description of its design and distinguishing features, a statement of its historical, architectural, and engineering significance, high resolution photographs of its exterior, interior, and context; copies of original or as-built architectural or engineering drawings, site plan, and an assessment of its condition. Documentation can be prepared following the standards and format of the Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS), Historic American Engineering Record (HAER), or Historic American Landscape Survey (HALS).
Example: Historic Structure Report prepared on the F.F.D. Lanier Mansion in Madison, Indiana in 2005-6 by the Ball State Center for Historic Preservation for the Indiana State Museum and State Historic Sites, under the supervision of Dr. Glass
Columbia Club - Indianapolis, Indiana
Historic Preservation & Heritage Consulting LLC (HP&HC) can help owners of individual historic buildings or groups of historic buildings develop a historic preservation plan for the rehabilitation, restoration, and maintenance of such buildings. As part of the plan, we will meet with the client and discuss short term and long term uses and needs for the building, conduct research into the history of the building, research the history of its design and construction and alterations that have been made to it, make an inventory of architectural and artistic features that add to the character and value of the building, conduct an analysis of condition issues, and prepare a preservation plan in consultation with the client. The plan typically includes a history of the building, a history of its design, construction, and alterations, inventory of historic features, an assessment of condition issues, recommendations for new uses, recommendations for rehabilitation and restoration, and recommendations for a maintenance plan.
Example: Columbia Club of Indianapolis Preservation Plan, prepared for the Columbia Club Foundation by the Center for Historic Preservation at Ball State University in 2006, under supervision of Dr. Glass
Gas Boom City Hall, Kokomo, 1893
HP&HC can conduct a survey to identify buildings, structures, districts, objects (sculptures), or sites that are eligible for the National Register of Historic Places or Indiana Register of Historic Sites and Structures. Such surveys can be useful when a parcel of land is intended for development, and insufficient information is available about whether historic features are present.
Examples: Survey of buildings surviving from the Natural Gas Boom of 1887-1901 in Kokomo and Jay County, Indiana, conducted in 2013-14 for the Howard County Historical Society and Jay County Historical Society
HP&HC can assist the owner of an individual property that appears to be eligible for the National Register in confirming its eligibility through consultation with the Indiana Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology, preparing the application for listing the property, and seeing the application through the approval processes with the Indiana Historic Preservation Review Board and National Park Service. Listing can make the owner eligible for use of the federal historic rehabilitation tax credit (for income-producing properties), Indiana historic homeowner’s rehabilitation tax credit (for properties in which the owner resides in the house), and for application to the Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology for acquisition and development (restoration) grants (if the owner is a local government or non-profit organization).
Prince Hall Masonic Temple, 1914-15
Randolph County Infirmary, 1899
Examples: Listing of 5 county homes from Indiana individually in the National Register of Historic Places, 2016, for Indiana Landmarks; listing of Congresswoman Julia Carson House, Indianapolis in National Register, 2017; listing of Prince Hall Masonic Temple, Indianapolis on National Register, 2014-15
HP&HC can assist neighborhood organizations, cities, or towns in assessing the potential advantages of listing historic neighborhoods, downtown areas, or landscapes on the National Register of Historic Places, lead neighborhood or town meetings, and help build community support for listing. Once there is support, our firm can prepare the application form for listing on the Register and shepherd the application through the state and federal approval process. Advantages of listing include making owners of income-producing buildings eligible for federal historic rehabilitation tax credits, homeowners eligible for the Indiana historic homeowners tax credit, and local government or non-profit owners eligible to apply for restoration grants through the Indiana Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology and National Park Service.
Anderson Wigwam, 1959-6199
HP&HC can assist the owner of an income-producing building who is planning to rehabilitate it to apply for the federal historic rehabilitation tax credit through the Indiana Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology. We can complete the 3-part application form working with the owner and consult as needed with the division and the National Park Service. For certified (approved) rehabilitation costs, the owner can take a 20% federal income tax credit. The cost must exceed the adjusted basis of the property and the owner must retain ownership of the property for at least 5 years after taking the credit.
Example: Preparation of Parts 1 and 2 of the federal historic rehabilitation tax credit application submitted by BWI, Inc. for rehabilitation of the historic Wigwam Gymnasium, Anderson, Indiana, 2014-16
Worker’s cottages in Lockerbie Square
HP&HC can assist Indiana cities and towns in assessing the benefits of designating historic neighborhoods or commercial areas as local historic districts and help build public understanding and support for such designation. We can also assist in the preparation of a designation ordinance, and prepare design guidelines for local historic preservation commissions or historic review boards and property owners to use. In Indianapolis and Marion County, we can assist neighborhood associations or business associations of Indianapolis and Marion County in preparing historic area or conservation district plans for designation of historic neighborhoods or commercial areas as historic areas or conservation districts by the Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission and Metropolitan Development Commission.
Examples: Lockerbie Square historic area preservation plan (1978) Old Northside historic area preservation plan (1979), Fletcher Place historic area preservation plan (1980), and Chatham Arch historic area preservation plan (1982), prepared by the Indianapolis Historic Preservation Commission while Dr. Glass was staff historian.
Naval Academy Chapel, Annapolis, MD
HP&HC can assist cities, towns, or counties in developing design guidelines for designated local historic districts or conservation districts that are customized to the architectural character of the districts and build on successful guidelines used elsewhere.
Example: Base Beautification Design Guidelines for the Naval Academy at Annapolis, MD, prepared for Greenhorne and O’Mara, Inc. while Project Coordinator for Historic Preservation, 1988-89
Report on Gas Boom in Howard County, 2013
HP&HC can assist cities, towns, counties, and regions in developing heritage tourism strategies that engage visitors in discovering fascinating events, people, and architecture in the history of each locale. Services include researching the history of a client area to identify potentially appealing themes; identifying existing community attractions that provide experiences related to heritage themes; mapping surviving buildings, neighborhoods, and commercial areas that illustrate the events and people associated with each heritage theme; leading a workshop for local visitor or tourism bureaus, government officials, museums, and historical society at which heritage tourism themes are presented and break-out discussions develop strategies for each theme, and preparing a summary report on the results of our research and analysis and the strategies proposed at the workshop.
Example: The 2015 Howard County Gas Boom Heritage Tourism Workshop held in Kokomo, Indiana, at which strategies were proposed by HP&HC and refined by local stakeholders in heritage tourism. We then prepared a summary report presenting the history of the Gas Boom in Howard County, existing Gas Boom buildings, neighborhoods, and districts in Kokomo and Greentown, workshop findings, and recommendations for potential heritage tourism strategies. A similar project was undertaken in 2014 for the Jay County Historical Society and the Jay County Convention and Visitors Bureau
Coordination of Section 106 consultations with State Historic Preservation Officers (SHPOs), Federal Agencies, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation HP&HC can assist recipients of federal grants by coordinating submissions of information and analysis required by Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act to the Indiana State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO). Such information includes surveys to identify any properties eligible for the National Register of Historic Places within the area of potential effect from a construction or rehabilitation project, defining areas of potential effect, taking into account the effect of a project on any eligible historic properties, and consulting with the SHPO and local consulting parties on ways to remove, lessen, or mitigate any adverse effects. If consultations lead to agreement on ways to mitigate adverse effects, we can assist federal grant recipients in drafting a Memorandum of Agreement summarizing mitigations for signature by the federal agency, grant recipient, SHPO, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and invited consulting parties.
General Store - St. Elmo, Colorado
HP&HC can research the history and architectural design of historic houses or commercial buildings and prepare an illustrated report summarizing findings on the people who constructed the building; the architects, engineers, or builders involved in designing the structure; and the families, individuals, or tenants who have lived in or occupied the house or building since its construction. We can also describe the architectural styles found in the building, decorative features, and materials used, as well as discuss landscape features or gardens.
Example: preparation of a detailed Historic American Buildings Survey report on the history and architecture of the mining town of St. Elmo near Buena Vista, Colorado for the National Park Service, 1984
Dr. James Glass is an architectural historian and historian with over 44 years of experience in researching and writing about the history of architecture in the United States and Europe, the historic preservation movement in the United States, and local history and architecture in Indiana, Tennessee, Ohio, Florida, Kansas, Colorado, Arizona, and Wisconsin. He has given illustrated lectures on the history of the preservation movement in the United States, historic preservation in Indiana and Indianapolis, the Gas Boom in East Central Indiana, and a variety of topics in Indiana history and heritage.
View video recording of November 8, 2021 lecture on "Architecture in Indianapolis, 1880-1920"
Beginning in 2013, Dr. Glass began presenting annual public lectures on the history of architecture in nations located in Europe, Asia, and North America:
View video recording of August 7, 2022 lecture on "Italian Renaissance Architecture"
Dr. Glass is available to speak to organizations, businesses, or the general public on the above topics or on related topics of interest.